Articles by Benoit Beauchamp

Spring Come Early


Spring cannot come soon enough!

Some Basic Rules for Securing Your IoT Stuff

Brian Krebs advice on securing your IoT stuff should be common sense especially based on what happened when a malware like Mirai or his brother Satori spread within the IoT ecosystem to even within cryptocurrency mining rigs. Everyone should take a workshop on securing their network with a firewall, or better yet having a network that’s not connected to the internet. These device will be more susceptible to hackers, its just a matter of time.

If you are running a variant of linux, check out ufw, the uncomplicated firewall. If you are running Windows check out this guide. If you are running MacOS check the following guide. All common routers have firewalls included already so do spend the time to read the manual and turn it on. I don’t know if I would trust every brand out there to have it on by default.

Nintendo Labo, genius!

Shut up Nintendo and take my money™ I can’t believe this is a thing. Launching April 20th. That’s going to be a long wait.

Indigenous, the people of the land


While growing in northern Québec, I always wondered why we were not exposed to a more indigenous food. Where is the food of the people, the indigenous people? Its not in the realm of the media and it’s not something that we hear about. I think it should be upfront and center. How can the love of the land doesn’t include indigenous food? Hunting and foraging for food is primordial and should be the way to sustain ourself. Now if only we could learn that in school!? Im happy then more people are making pushing to take back what is theirs. Turkey anyone?

“My grandmothers taught me from a young age that I shouldn’t feel sorry for killing animals, since they suffer and are lonely if they are not hunted. We respect animals and pray to the animal spirits to show our thanks.”

“Embracing this cuisine is a form of taking back what is ours.” Indigenous cooks reshape Canada’s culinary landscape. @nytfood


Federal gov't removes poster after online backlash over Indigenous stereotypes @CBCIndigenous


Can’t make this stuff up.

Building A Log Cabin in the Wilderness

Do watch this incredible time-lapse youtube video. The guy build is own log cabin in the wilderness in Canada by himself and get this, only using hand tools. This is incredible and something I wish I could do myself. Having land where I could do it and having the time to be able to do it. Outstanding!


I really feel that some people neglect and overlook compassion because they associate it with religion. Of course, everyone is free to choose whether they pay religion any regard, but to neglect compassion is a mistake because it is the source of our own well-being.

-- Dalai-Lama


Im baffled by people that need to be told that we should focus on core values as oppose to either anti-trump or pro-trump. Isn’t it common sense? We should always focus on the truth as oppose to lies. We, humans, are better then this.

By coming to a better understanding of the workings of the mind, we can learn to tackle our disturbing emotions and mental afflictions, something we can't do with either weapons or money.

— Dalaï-Lama

David Letterman lands on Netflix

I can’t wait for this new netflix television show. Starting January 12, dont miss it.

David Letterman has amassed an all-star roster of guests for his Netflix talk show series, titled My Next Guest Needs No Introduction with David Letterman.

The 60-minute show will stream monthly with the first episode launching on Friday, Jan. 12 and the additional five episodes streaming, one a month, after that.

Letterman will kick off the series with a chat with Barack Obama, with the interview serving as the former president's first talk-show appearance since leaving office.

Other guests set for Letterman's series are George Clooney, Malala Yousafzai, Jay-Z, Tina Fey and Howard Stern.

Psychedelic Fish

If you do find yourself experiencing intense fish-inspired nightmares, remember: It’s all your in head. But it was all in the salema porgy’s head first.

Need to Know

Salema porgy is available throughout the Mediterranean, particularly along the French Riviera. Most aren't poisonous, but just to play it safe, maybe order the salmon.